Friday 19 October 2012

The Plan

I have SO MANY ideas for my new blog. I attempted to start a blog a few months ago at the beginning of summer but I got distracted by the wonderful-ness that is summer and everything, plus I was also finding my feet towards the end of summer deciding what to do. But now it's October I'm settled into my new routine of college and it's great so I'm determined to make this blog work and have fun with it!

This is my ideas book.

This is where I'm going to write all the fabulous and crazy thoughts and ideas I have for my blog, however big or small they are. The book is from Cath Kidston if you're interested, it was actually a gift to me but I think it's really cute! (find a similar one here) I'm really excited to get started. Also, if you write a blog, please let me know how you started out and what your first wrote about and things; I'd love to hear about what you have to say and get some inspiration from anybody who's willing to give it! 

My camera.

To take photographs for my blog I'll be using my beautiful and beloved DSLR camera which I love to pieces. It's a Nikon D3100 (have a look here). It takes beautiful photographs, is great for loads of things and also takes excellent video! I use a 18-55mm lens which is the lens that came with the camera. I've had it nearly 2 years and it's still good as new. I'll also take some photos with my iPhone4 because I don't always have my camera when I'm out and about. It's not as good quality (the photo of my camera was taken with it) but it's pretty good.

Thanks for reading!
Jess x

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