I'm Jess! I'm 18 years young and living in the South of England. I'm studying to become a beauty therapist which I'm LOVING. I'm obsessed with nail varnish and nail art, it's unhealthy.

What to expect from my blog? Plenty of reviews as I love trying (and buying) lots of new products and goodies! I'll also show you lots of nail stuff and snippets of my little life.. and I'll just see where my blog takes me, if anywhere, for now and enjoy the ride!

My blog is called 'just paint your nails' for a couple of reasons. I struggled with thinking of a name and changed it a few times and looked at many blogs for inspiration, and finally decided the name had to be related to something I love and it has to link to me. I love to paint my nails, look at other people's nails and nail art, and buy polish.. I basically adore anything polish related. I think that everybody should paint their nails, even if it's just once in a while to make you feel a little bit special and more glamorous, or if you want, go get your nails done for a treat! So basically I think that painting your nails, or having your nails painted, or (especially in my case) painting somebody elses nails will make you feel good! There's no denying a fresh manicure puts a smile on your face, even if it's just a little one, it's worth it!

Also you're probs thinking wtf is 'jamyh'? I'll explain. J is the first letter of my first name, Jess, duh obviously. Then Amy is my middle name and H is the first letter of my last name. So that's how jamyh came about. I like to pronounce it like 'jammy-h' as in like the biscuit (dodger) and the letter rather than like 'amy' if that makes any sense.. I dunno why, just think it's cooler I guess.

I really love reading people's blogs and also watching youtube videos on beauty and fashion related subjects! If you think I'd like your blog or youtube videos then leave me a comment because I'd love to check it out (:

Anyways, thanks so much for checking out my blog! I'm a total newbie and novice to this stuff so any readers, help, support and interest is really appreciated and amazing!

big love,
Jess x

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