Monday 22 October 2012

Wishlist October/November

When I'm bored I rather like to internet shop and have a little browse and I thought I'd show you a few things I've got my cheeky little eye on. I love looking at other people's wishlists on their blogs so thought I'd share. Please comment if you've recently posted a wishlist so I can take a look (:

1. Jack Frost Polish (Wonderland Collection) - Models Own £5.00 | 2. Burgundy Chunky Oversize Cardigan - New Look £24.99 | 3. Mink Stud Flat Ankle Boots - Next £55.00 | 4. UNII Palette - Turquoise £15.00 | 5. Rib 2 Pom Beanie - ASOS £10.00 | 6. Larger Than Life Long-Wear Eyeliner in shade Rue Bonaparte £17.00 |

1. This polish is SO pretty! It's part of the Wonderland Collection by Models Own and this polish would look great over loads of different colored polishes. The polish reflects light to create blue and greeny tints too so will jazz up any manicure. I also really like Snow Flake and Blizzard from the same collection.

2. I'm really liking the colour burgundy at the moment, I think it's great for autumn and winter! This oversized cardigan looks so big and snug - ideal for the UK's freezing weather. I'm a fan of oversized things and I like the fact that it's long too, long enough to cover my bum when wearing leggings too! I think this would look great with loads of things, especially like leggings or blue jeans with winter boots!

3. I went into a massive Next with my boyfriend last weekend, and now I'm not really that greatest fan of the womens stuff in Next but the guys stuff seems to always be really good for the boyfriend! (Also I noticed that the womens stuff is always more expensive than the guys - really unfair!) but anyway I had a browse round the womens section because I was there and spotted these ankle boots and I REALLY like them. I love the stud detailing on the toes, I think they add a cute twist and add a nice bit of detailing to make them a bit different. They came in black too but I prefer the 'Mink' colour (known as brown to us normals, haha!). These would be great for winter if they were worn with really thick socks sticking out the top over leggings or jeans, nice and warm too!

4. I read a review about a UNII Palette on somebody's blog (really sorry I can't remember who) the other day and so I took a look at the website and think they're such a great idea! There basically a magnetic makeup case and they hold various different brands of makeup and you can put different makeup pans in there. These are great because you can switch them up and put whatever you want in there for that day or whatever, or if you're going away for a few days and don't want to take loads of palettes around everywhere. It also holds some different brushes and applicators too. Plus there's six colours to choose from but I like turquoise the best!

5. I've had my eye on this cute beanie for a while now and I just think it's adorable! I love all things cute but this is like cute in a almost secret or discreet way.. because they aren't actually ears like some hats I've seen have so I think this is a little less.. cheesy? I like the colour and it'll be great for covering up those wonderful bad hair days that seem to come around! Plus it's gonna be warm for the winter months - what more could you want?!

6. I want to use this nude skin coloured eye liner as an alternative to using a white eye liner on my water line to brighten my eyes. I think it'll be less harsh on the eyes and more flattering to use. Plus I've heard great things about NARS eyeliners and have never tried one before so why not!

Thanks for reading! Let me know what's on your Autumn Wishlist!
Jess x

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